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Book Review Guidelines

We invite the submission of book reviews for publication.  Please consult the guidelines and list below to see books available for review. We also welcome your suggestions for books published within the last two years and will request any book that you are interested in reviewing from the publisher if we do not have it. Book review submissions are due by January 15 for publication in the Spring and by July 15 for publication in the Fall issue.  They should be submitted as an electronic MS Word file emailed to Erin Redihan, Book Reviews Editor, at


Prior to submission, please ensure that your manuscript adheres to the NEJH Style Guide.


Additional Book Review Guidelines​


  • Each review should be 1,000 – 3,000 words


  • Include your name, position, and institution affiliation (if applicable) for your by-line.


       e.g., Jane Doe is an assistant professor of history at Bowdoin College in Brunswick, ME.


  • Review Heading: Author. Title. Place: Publisher, Year. Pages. Publisher's Price (Binding).


       e.g., Michael Perlman. Emancipation and Reconstruction: 1862-1879. Arlington Heights, IL: Harlan                   Davidson, 1987. 150 pp. $24.95 (paperback).


  • In-text citations of the book under review should render page numbers in parenthetical style using "p." or "pp." abbreviations as appropriate. Citations of other sources should be rendered as endnotes in Chicago Style.


e.g., Perlman argues forcefully that the history of Reconstruction should be reconsidered in light of      his findings (p. 14).


  • You are welcome to submit up to two reviews per issue.

For PublishersWe welcome publishers to send books that they would like reviewed. Please note that we only accept physical copies of books and that we cannot guarantee that all books received will be reviewed. Review copies can be mailed to:


Erin Redihan

Salve Regina University

100 Ochre Point Ave.

Newport, RI 02840


Regretfully, we cannot accept self-published books for review.

Book Review Request Form

Thanks! Your request has been sent to Erin Redihan, Book Review Editor.

List of Books for Review

Bane, Scott
A Union Like Ours: The Love Story of F. O. Matthiessen and Russell Cheney
Bright Leaf
Biehler, Dawn Day
Animating Central Park: A Multispecies History
UWashington Press
Byrd, James P. (ed.)
Baptists in Early North America Series Volume X: An Abridgement of the Church History of New England, 1602-1804.
Mercer U Press
Carvalho, Joseph
Out of the Darkness: History of Corrections Reform at the Hampden County, MA Sheriff's Department, 1661-2022
Cody, Eric P.
Rescuing Ellisville Marsh: The Long Fight to Restore Lost Connections
UMass Press
Dillon, Niamh
Homeward Bound: Return Migration from Ireland and India at the End of the British Empire
NYU Press
Ebel, Jonathan H
From Dust They Came: Government Camps and the Religion of Reform in New Deal California
NYU Press
Fortin, Jeffrey A.
Captain Paul Cuffe, Yeoman: A Biography.
UMass Press
Hendershot, Heather
When the News Broke: Chicago 1968 and The Polarizing of America
UChicago Press
Hoffer, Peter Charles
Seward's Law: Country Lawyering, Relational Rights, and Slavery
Cornell U Press
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